Wheels with rubber edge | 4-pack | white/grey |
Tavaliselt valmib 24 tunniga
Wheels with rubber edge | 4-pack | white/grey |
Troll Nursery
Saadaval järeletulemine, tavaliselt valmib 24 tunniga
Rigas iela 18
Smiltene LV-4729
Lockable wheels for children's furniture
Have the wheels for your bedside crib come off?
Maybe you bought a used bedside crib, inherited nursery furniture, or the wheels just disappeared when it came time to unpack and assemble. Here you can easily buy spare parts online. These wheels in white plastic have a grey rubber edge that provides a good grip when in the locked position. The wheels are mounted in pre-drilled holes and have a brake. With wheels on the children's furniture, it is smooth and easy to roll a cot, crib, or changing table to where it is most needed.
Important! Check for pre-drilled holes for wheels. If there are no holes, wheels cannot be mounted on your product.
ATTENTION! Be sure to mount the wheels securely so that your furniture does not tip over!
Have the wheels for your bedside crib come off?
Maybe you bought a used bedside crib, inherited nursery furniture, or the wheels just disappeared when it came time to unpack and assemble. Here you can easily buy spare parts online. These wheels in white plastic have a grey rubber edge that provides a good grip when in the locked position. The wheels are mounted in pre-drilled holes and have a brake. With wheels on the children's furniture, it is smooth and easy to roll a cot, crib, or changing table to where it is most needed.
Important! Check for pre-drilled holes for wheels. If there are no holes, wheels cannot be mounted on your product.
ATTENTION! Be sure to mount the wheels securely so that your furniture does not tip over!

Trollil on kõrged kvaliteedinõuded ja kontrollid igal sammul alates puidu tehasesse jõudmisest kuni valmistoote lahkumiseniVärv, lakk ja liim on veepõhised, keskkonnasõbralikud ja valmistatud Rootsis. Mööbel on valmistatud MDF-ist ja Põhja-Euroopast pärit täiskasest. Kogu Trolli mööblit testitakse mitmes testiasutuses, et see vastaks nii Euroopa kui ka Ameerika standarditele. Troll vastutab keskkonna eest ja taaskasutab tootmisjäätmeid muu hulgas tehaste kütmiseks. Samuti on olemas värvi ja liimi taaskasutussüsteem.